Sustainability - Brink's Jordan
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Μενού περιήγησης
Βιωσιμότητα της Brink's
Η περαιτέρω ενσωμάτωση της βιωσιμότητας στην επιχειρηματική μας στρατηγική ενισχύει την απόδοσή μας και διαφοροποιεί την Brink's με όλα τα ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη μας. Εστιάζουμε ουσιαστικά στον αντίκτυπο που έχουμε στο περιβάλλον, την κοινωνία και στον τρόπο με τον οποίο εφαρμόζουμε αυστηρά πρότυπα διακυβέρνησης στις παγκόσμιες δραστηριότητές μας. Στόχος μας είναι να μεγιστοποιήσουμε τη δημιουργία συνολικής αξίας αξιοποιώντας την υπεύθυνη διαχείριση όλων όσων μας εμπιστεύονται για τη δημιουργία βιώσιμης, κερδοφόρας ανάπτυξης.

A Message from our CEO

Doug Pertz
President and CEO
The Brink's Company
We understand that investors are not only focused on what we achieve, but also how we achieve it. To compete and win, we must consider the broader needs of society, ensuring that we treat all stakeholders fairly and with respect while managing our business with integrity and fidelity. We are currently facing a global health and economic crisis unlike anything we have ever experienced. The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified Brink’s role in addressing society’s needs. Designated by governments around the world as an essential service provider, our employees support critical ATM, banking and business operations that keep our economies functioning. We embrace this responsibility and take it very seriously.

Douglas A. Pertz
President and Chief Executive Officer
A Message from Brink's CEO Doug Pertz on Environmental, Social and Governance Priorities
We understand that investors are not only focused on what we achieve, but also how we achieve it. To compete and win, we must consider the broader needs of society, ensuring that we treat all stakeholders fairly and with respect while managing our business with integrity and fidelity.
We are currently facing a global health and economic crisis unlike anything we have ever experienced. The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified Brink’s role in addressing society’s needs. Designated by governments around the world as an essential service provider, our employees support critical ATM, banking and business operations that keep our economies functioning. We embrace this responsibility and take it very seriously.
In addition, we know that this crisis is having a disproportionate impact on our most vulnerable communities. As the world’s largest cash management company, Brink’s takes great pride in the fact that our services help underbanked people around the world access goods and services by keeping cash moving and accessible. We are pleased we can contribute by supporting an efficient cash ecosystem and enabling businesses to easily and cost-effectively accept and manage cash. And we are committed to delivering our services in a manner that is sensitive to impacts on our stakeholders.
We are beginning to share information about the processes and policies we’ve put in place and other actions we have taken to improve our environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. We invite you to read more about our work.
Brink’s is exploring ways to integrate responsible environmental practices into our daily operations to increase efficiency and reduce waste and emissions, with the ultimate goal of minimizing our environmental impact.
Our current focus is on our fleet, where we believe we can have the most significant and immediate impact. We’re testing dual fuel-based trucks and we’re deploying lighter truck bodies to improve fuel efficiency. We are also evaluating all-electric vehicles. In addition, we are leveraging technology to increase efficiency in our routes, reducing miles driven and fuel usage.
Our Values of Integrity, Safety, Customer Focus, Continuous Improvement, Engagement and Diversity & Inclusion guide the way we work and are the foundation of our brand and reputation. We live our value of Integrity through the choices we make and the actions we take every day. Our Code of Ethics, Global Security Regulation, and Statement on Whistle Blower Protection help ensure we operate responsibly, with ethical decision-making incorporated into everything we do.
We also recognize the power of fostering an inclusive workplace that is rich with diverse ideas and perspectives, so we are taking action to increase the diversity of our leadership team and workforce. Consistent with our Values, we want all of our employees to feel respected, comfortable and safe, and have equal opportunity for growth and development. To advance our diversity agenda, we have recently created a new leadership role dedicated to global diversity, equity and inclusion, and we continue to support our Business Resource Groups.
Sound corporate governance promotes a culture of accountability and is fundamental to our success. Our Board of Directors is responsible for advancing the interests of our shareholders by providing advice and oversight of the strategic and operational direction of the Company; overseeing the governance of the Company and the Company’s executive management, including the Chief Executive Officer; and reviewing the Company’s business initiatives, capital projects and budget matters.
To do this effectively, the Company has established clear and specific Governance Guidelines for the Board (referred to as our Governance Policies) that, along with Board committee charters and our Code of Ethics, provide the framework for the governance of Brink’s.
We are committed to listening and learning from our investors about their expectations of leading companies as we shape and communicate our ESG priorities, and we seek continuous improvement to help ensure we execute a business model that adds value to society. Contact our Investor Relations team to engage.
Εκδότης Αντικειμένων
Susan Docherty on Brink's impact on the environment
Louis Parker on Brink's social practices and programs
Michael Herling on Brink's board commitment to best-in-class governance practices
Supplier Code of Conduct
At Brink's, we maintain the highest standards when it comes to how we run our business. We have a long-standing commitment to operating with integrity, a core value, and expect the same of everyone with whom we work.
UN Global Compact
As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Brink's is committed to making these principles part of our strategy, culture and day-to-day operations.
Supplier Diversity
Brink’s is committed to developing a diverse supplier base that ensures that women, veteran, minority-owned and small businesses can participate in driving value creation for Brink’s. And we believe that a diverse supplier base will help us compete and win for our communities, employees and customers.
CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion
Brink’s has joined the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™, the largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace. By joining CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion, Brink’s is demonstrating its commitment to cultivating a trusting environment where all ideas are welcomed and employees feel comfortable and empowered.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Our Supplier Code of Conduct requires adherence to all applicable international, national, state, and local laws and regulations including, but not limited to, those related to labor, immigration, health and safety, and the environment. It also requires that suppliers ensure their supply chains are free from human rights violations.
Code of Ethics
Our Code of Ethics lays the foundation for our ethical conduct and provides guidance for how we work. It also is built on these four principles of respect:
- Respect for each other
- Respect for Brink’s and its stakeholders
- Respect for our customers, and,
- Respect for our communities
We must all follow these guidelines and hold firm to our principles, no matter what.
Whistleblower Protection
The Brink’s Company encourages a culture of openness where employees, former employees and others can raise concerns or report violations or suspected violations of law or regulations without fear of retaliation or reprisals.
Anticorruption Policy
Failure to comply with anticorruption laws reflects a failure of Integrity, one of our core values. At Brink’s, everyone is expected to understand and - most importantly - to demonstrate through their behavior full compliance with the policy.
Anti-Money Laundering
Brink’s is committed to the global fight against money laundering and terrorist financing by ensuring, to the best of its ability, compliance with all applicable anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws and regulations and is guided by the principles enumerated in the recommendations and standards promulgated by relevant international bodies.
Brink's Violence and Harassment-Free Workplace Policy
Brink's is committed to providing a workplace that is free from violence, threats, harassment, intimidation, or any other activity that puts individuals in reasonable fear for their safety.
Global Data Protection Policy
Brink's is committed to protecting the privacy and security of its customers, suppliers, employees, workers and other third parties. This Policy sets forth key data protection principles governing the Processing of Personal Data by all Brink’s Entities.
European Data Protection Policy
This European Data Protection Policy supplements Brink’s Global Data Protection Policy in light of the specific requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”).